Mech Every Day #10: Vindicator
Model: Vindicator VND-1R Mass and Tech Base: 45 tons (Medium) / Inner Sphere Miniature Source: BattleTech Beginner Box (2nd version) Paint Scheme: 1st St. Ives Lancers (post-Reunification) Notable Pilot: n/a All paints used are from Army Painter unless otherwise noted. The overall miniature was given a coat of Liao Green (AKA Orc Skin Speedpaint). Details include Parade Chrome (AKA Shining Silver), Death Commando (AKA Deep Gray), Steiner Blue (AKA High Lord Blue Speedpaint 1.0), Revenant Bone (AKA Boney Spikes), and Kurita Red (AKA Blood Red 2.0). The base was painted with Apple Barrel Matte Black.