
Showing posts from January, 2025

Mech Every Day #10: Vindicator

  Model: Vindicator VND-1R Mass and Tech Base: 45 tons (Medium) / Inner Sphere Miniature Source: BattleTech Beginner Box (2nd version) Paint Scheme: 1st St. Ives Lancers (post-Reunification) Notable Pilot: n/a All paints used are from Army Painter unless otherwise noted. The overall miniature was given a coat of Liao Green (AKA Orc Skin Speedpaint). Details include Parade Chrome (AKA Shining Silver), Death Commando (AKA Deep Gray), Steiner Blue (AKA High Lord Blue Speedpaint 1.0), Revenant Bone (AKA Boney Spikes), and Kurita Red (AKA Blood Red 2.0). The base was painted with Apple Barrel Matte Black.

Mech Every Day #9: UrbanMech

  Model: UrbanMech UM-R60 Mass and Tech Base: 30 tons (Light) / Inner Sphere Miniature Source: UrbanMech Salvage Box or UrbanMech Company Box Paint Scheme: 1st St. Ives Lancers (post-Reunification) Notable Pilot: n/a All paints used are from Army Painter unless otherwise noted. The overall miniature was given a coat of Liao Green (AKA Orc Skin Speedpaint). Details include Parade Chrome (AKA Shining Silver), Death Commando (AKA Deep Gray), Steiner Blue (AKA High Lord Blue Speedpaint 1.0), Revenant Bone (AKA Boney Spikes), and Kurita Red (AKA Blood Red 2.0). The base was painted with Apple Barrel Matte Black.

Mech Every Day Sunday Special #2: The Scorpion Conspiracy

The Scorpion Empire caused the Blackout. No, seriously. Hear me out. The evidence is circumstantial, and in some cases one must make some leaps of logical faith, but it rings true. So here's the facts, as we know them. Just before the Wars of Reaving, Clan Goliath Scorpion trialed for and won the entire Eridani Light Horse contingent on Huntress. Many of the former SLDF troops were accepted as bondsmen, then quickly elevated to warrior status. The Scorpions have always had a fetish for historical artifacts, and the Light Horse were a living artifact; a unit that could trace its history directly to the first Star League. This became a point of contention during the actual Wars of Reaving, but Clan Goliath Scorpion claimed that all of these Inner Sphere warriors had perished in combat. This was a lie. At least one former Horseman may have been seen in Nuevo Castille during the conquest of that region, and in any case the Scorpions were caught using genetic material from these troops ...

Mech Every Day Force Saturday #2: Red Duke's Personal Guard Lance

The Draconis Combine, ruled by House Kurita, is widely regarded as the most militaristic empire in the Inner Sphere. This isn't really accurate; all of the Great Houses are expansionist and field the largest armies they can produce and support. The Combine just doesn't pretend to be anything other than what it is. Most of the "modern" Combine's societal and military traditions stem from a deliberate cultural shift during the Star League period. The then-Coordinator believed that his Japanese heritage had saved him from an assassination attempt. He issued a series of edicts that transformed the state to one that resembled an idealized version of Imperial Japan...though exactly which  Imperial Japan is up for debate. For example, it has a strong federal military and mandatory conscription like in the 1930s, but true feudal samurai also exist. While most nobles in the Combine are therefore based on ancient Japanese positions and titles, some families exist from befor...

Mech Every Day #8: Marauder

Model: Marauder MAD-3R (Custom) Mass and Tech Base: 75 tons (Heavy) / Inner Sphere Miniature Source: Legendary MechWarriors II Paint Scheme: Draconis Combine Duke Ricol's Personal Guard Notable Pilot: Duke Hassid Ricol (3020s) or Abdoun Ricol (3150s) All paints used are from Army Painter unless otherwise noted. The upper torso and arms were given a coat of Kurita Red (AKA Blood Red Speedpaint) and the legs got a coat of Widow Black (AKA Grim Black Speedpaint 2.0). Details include Parade Chrome (AKA Shining Silver), Death Commando (AKA Deep Gray), Steiner Blue (AKA High Lord Blue Speedpaint 1.0), and Bounty Hunter Green (AKA Shamrock Green Speedpaint 2.0). The base was painted with Apple Barrel Matte Black.

Mech Every Day #7: Wolverine

Model: Wolverine WVR-6R Mass and Tech Base: 55 tons (Medium) / Inner Sphere Miniature Source: BattleTech: A Game of Armored Combat & Beginner Box (1st version) Paint Scheme: Draconis Combine Duke Ricol's Personal Guard Notable Pilot: n/a All paints used are from Army Painter unless otherwise noted. The upper torso and arms were given a coat of Kurita Red (AKA Blood Red Speedpaint) and the legs got a coat of Widow Black (AKA Grim Black Speedpaint 2.0). Details include Parade Chrome (AKA Shining Silver), Death Commando (AKA Deep Gray), Steiner Blue (AKA High Lord Blue Speedpaint 1.0), and Bounty Hunter Green (AKA Shamrock Green Speedpaint 2.0). The base was painted with Apple Barrel Matte Black.

Mech Every Day #6: Charger

Model: Charger CGR-3K Mass and Tech Base: 80 tons (Assault) / Inner Sphere Miniature Source: Legendary MechWarriors II Paint Scheme: Draconis Combine Duke Ricol's Personal Guard Notable Pilot: n/a All paints used are from Army Painter unless otherwise noted. The upper torso and arms were given a coat of Kurita Red (AKA Blood Red Speedpaint) and the legs got a coat of Widow Black (AKA Grim Black Speedpaint 2.0). Details include Parade Chrome (AKA Shining Silver), Death Commando (AKA Deep Gray), Steiner Blue (AKA High Lord Blue Speedpaint 1.0), and Bounty Hunter Green (AKA Shamrock Green Speedpaint 2.0). The base was painted with Apple Barrel Matte Black.

Mech Every Day #5: Griffin

Model: Griffin GRF-1N Mass and Tech Base: 55 tons (Medium) / Inner Sphere Miniature Source: BattleTech Beginner Box Paint Scheme: Draconis Combine Duke Ricol's Personal Guard Notable Pilot: Sigtrygg Poulson All paints used are from Army Painter unless otherwise noted. This miniature was initially sprayed with Pure Red. At first, it was given a wash of Citadel Color Nuln Oil and the legs were partially painted with Army Painter Matt Black. After several years, the legs were finished with Apple Barrel Matte Black and the entire miniature was given a heavy drybrush of Apple Barrel Matte White. The upper torso and arms were given a coat of Kurita Red (AKA Blood Red Speedpaint) and the legs got a coat of Widow Black (AKA Grim Black Speedpaint 2.0). Details include Parade Chrome (AKA Shining Silver), Death Commando (AKA Deep Gray), Steiner Blue (AKA High Lord Blue Speedpaint 1.0), and Bounty Hunter Green (AKA Shamrock Green Speedpaint 2.0). The base was painted with Apple Barrel Matte Bl...

Mech Every Day #4: Spider

  Model: Spider SDR-5V Mass and Tech Base: 30 tons (Light) / Inner Sphere Miniature Source: Inner Sphere Support Lance ForcePack Paint Scheme: Free Worlds League Marik Militia Notable Pilot: n/a All paints used are from Army Painter unless otherwise noted. This miniature was sprayed with Matte White. The base coat is Marik Purple (AKA Purple Alchemy in the Speedpaint 1.0 range). Details include Parade Chrome (AKA Shining Silver), Ricol Red (AKA Pure Red), Ultramarine Blue, Death Commando (AKA Deep Gray) and Bounty Hunter Green (AKA Shamrock Green Speedpaint 2.0). The base was painted with Apple Barrel Matte Black.

Mech Every Day Sunday Special #1

Cover to 25 Years of Art and Fiction by Catalyst Game Labs Hello and welcome BattleTech fans! My name is Roland, and I'm a longtime BattleTech fan (since 1988) and one-time developer. In December of 2024 I posted a painted BattleTech miniature every day on Bluesky for a "'Mech Advent Calendar." I had so much fun that I promised to do the same thing for the entirety of 2025 - bold to the point of foolishness, I know. I decided to scale it back a bit. Every weekday I'll post a couple photos (front and back) of a painted BattleTech miniature. These will usually be members of the same Lance (Inner Sphere), Star (Clans), Level II (ComStar and Word of Blake), or Sept (Society). I'm going to be focusing on miniatures that I've never posted before, but one of my goals is to paint complete Lances/Stars/etc., so some days will be "repeats" from previous social media posts. On Saturdays - as you saw yesterday - I'll bring all the week's miniatures t...

Mech Every Day Force Saturday #1: Marik Militia Recon Lance

  The Free Worlds League, ruled over most of its existence by House Marik, is the oldest Successor State. So it felt only natural to begin this blog with them. (Tomorrow I'll talk more about the blog itself.) The Marik Militia has long been the backbone of the Free Worlds League Militia. At their peak they fielded a full 40 regiments, though many of these have fallen and had their colors struck over the centuries. Their base color is purple with blue accents on the left and red on the right. This is one of the first unit paint schemes published for BattleTech; it first appeared in 1988's Camo Specs booklet. Recon Lances are typically made up of fast Light and Medium BattleMechs. Their primary role is scouting, both mapping local terrain and finding the enemy. Upon engagement they hold the opposing force in place until heavier friendly units can be moved up, and then either withdraw or remain as flankers and harassers. This lance is notable for including two rather uncommon ...

Mech Every Day #3: Ostscout

  Model: Ostscout OTT-7J Mass and Tech Base: 35 tons (Light) / Inner Sphere Miniature Source: Mercenaries Boxed Set Paint Scheme: Free Worlds League Marik Militia Notable Pilot: n/a All paints used are from Army Painter unless otherwise noted. This miniature was sprayed with Matte White. The base coat is Marik Purple (AKA Purple Alchemy in the Speedpaint 1.0 range). Details include Parade Chrome (AKA Shining Silver), Ricol Red (AKA Pure Red), Ultramarine Blue, Death Commando (AKA Deep Gray) and Bounty Hunter Green (AKA Shamrock Green Speedpaint 2.0). The base was painted with Apple Barrel Matte Black.

Mech Every Day #2: Wasp

  Model: Wasp WSP-1 Mass and Tech Base: 20 tons (Light) / Inner Sphere Miniature Source: Inner Sphere Battle Lance ForcePack Paint Scheme: Free Worlds League Marik Militia Notable Pilot: n/a All paints used are from Army Painter unless otherwise noted. This miniature was sprayed with Matte White. The base coat is Marik Purple (AKA Purple Alchemy in the Speedpaint 1.0 range). Details include Parade Chrome (AKA Shining Silver), Ricol Red (AKA Pure Red), Ultramarine Blue, Death Commando (AKA Deep Gray) and Bounty Hunter Green (AKA Shamrock Green Speedpaint 2.0). The base was painted with Apple Barrel Matte Black.

Mech Every Day #1: Phoenix Hawk

  Model: Phoenix Hawk PXH-1 Mass and Tech Base: 45 tons (Medium) / Inner Sphere Miniature Source: Inner Sphere Battle Lance ForcePack and Alpha Strike Boxed Set Paint Scheme: Free Worlds League Marik Militia Notable Pilot: n/a All paints used are from Army Painter unless otherwise noted. This miniature was sprayed with Matte White. The base coat is Marik Purple (AKA Purple Alchemy in the Speedpaint 1.0 range). Details include Parade Chrome (AKA Shining Silver), Ricol Red (AKA Pure Red), Ultramarine Blue, Death Commando (AKA Deep Gray) and Bounty Hunter Green (AKA Shamrock Green Speedpaint 2.0). The base was painted with Apple Barrel Matte Black.