Mech Every Day Sunday Special #1
Cover to 25 Years of Art and Fiction by Catalyst Game Labs |
Hello and welcome BattleTech fans!
My name is Roland, and I'm a longtime BattleTech fan (since 1988) and one-time developer. In December of 2024 I posted a painted BattleTech miniature every day on Bluesky for a "'Mech Advent Calendar." I had so much fun that I promised to do the same thing for the entirety of 2025 - bold to the point of foolishness, I know. I decided to scale it back a bit.
Every weekday I'll post a couple photos (front and back) of a painted BattleTech miniature. These will usually be members of the same Lance (Inner Sphere), Star (Clans), Level II (ComStar and Word of Blake), or Sept (Society). I'm going to be focusing on miniatures that I've never posted before, but one of my goals is to paint complete Lances/Stars/etc., so some days will be "repeats" from previous social media posts.
On Saturdays - as you saw yesterday - I'll bring all the week's miniatures together for a group shot and talk a bit about the faction, unit, and formation type.
Of course, only Stars (typically 5 'Mechs) really fit the "one miniature a weekday, entire group on Saturday" format. On weeks that I do Inner Sphere Lances (4 'Mechs) there'll be an extra, unrelated piece on Friday. To begin with, these will be various incarnations of the Bounty Hunter throughout the centuries. The first of these is tentatively scheduled for January 17th. For formations that are larger than five units, there will be some overflow to the next week, with "extra" days filled with notable characters that don't fit in elsewhere.
Sundays, like today, will be for whatever I want to talk about, as long as it's BattleTech-related. Obviously today is setting up the structure of this blog. Future Sundays may contain commentary, editorials, reminiscing, reviews, previews...just whatever I feel like writing.
Since 2025 - and thus this blog - started on a Wednesday, the last 'Mech from week one will appear on Monday. From there, the schedule (subject to change) is as follows:
- Week 2: House Kurita (Tuesday through Friday)
- Week 3: House Liao and the first Bounty Hunter
- Week 4: Clan Jade Falcon
- Week 5: House Davion and the second Bounty Hunter
- Week 6: House Steiner and the third Bounty Hunter
- Week 7: Clan Wolf
- Week 8: First Star League and the fourth Bounty Hunter
Right now, if you want to support my efforts and help me keep stocked up on miniatures and supplies, you can just use this link for now. I am considering setting up a Kofi or Patreon account in the future, especially if I decide to open up painting commissions.
If you have any questions, you can comment here or find me on Bluesky at
Thanks for visiting, and I hope you'll stick around.
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